- Negotiate before you buy or sell
Negotiate before you buy or sell
Yesterday's Offers: 0
Today's Offers: 0
As of 10/22/2024
OpenOffer® Index
San Diego County
(888) 992-9939
Home Buyers & Agents - Negotiate The Best Price

Seller's Agent...

Your decision to use OpenOffer® is the most significant step towards selling your listing. As a real estate agent you need all the possible tools to accommodate your client’s need whether they are buyers or sellers. OpenOffer® is here to help. Your success in the real estate industry is our commitment. Bringing two parties into a mutual agreement about price is the most difficult obstacle you need to overcome without increasing your operating costs. OpenOffer® is here to assist you achieving that without compromising the interest of either party that is involved.

real estate web site Your role is important

So many Real Estate web sites are set to generate leads that are then sold to multiple real estate agents leaving you with high operating cost and most likely zero revenue. At OpenOffer® you do not need to compete with fellow real estate agents. We are not here to replace or compete with you like most of the ‘rebate’ or ‘discount’ real estate sites and companies. We do not offer any discounts or rebates to buyers and sellers.

real estate property valuation Your CMA reports are extremely important

We are not a property valuation web site that promises unrealistic values to innocent users just to lore them to register so they can sell the information to you. In fact, we express to our users that property valuation should be done by a professional like you – A Real Estate Agent. As a real estate agent who is involved in your local real estate community, you are familiar with your local real estate market. You are familiar with the current real estate inventory and most importantly with the interior of sold properties. It is impossible for ANY property valuation to provide accurate valuation simply because they do not take into consideration the interior of a property. Your CMA reports and expert opinions are extremely important but please inform your buyers and sellers that the ultimate valuation of a property should be done by a local certified real estate appraisal. In addition, the final valuation of a property is reviewed and determined by the lender or the bank that is financing the property.

real estate buyer offer Reduce offer cancellations

As a real estate agent, you and your seller want to accept an offer that was made by a buyer and/or his/her real estate agent, who feels comfortable with the purchase price and consequently will not cancel his/her offer because of ‘Buyer’s Remorse’. We believe that buyers are likely to follow through and complete the transaction if they feel comfortable with the price they pay. At OpenOffer® we allow you to interview and talk with buyers, or their real estate agent who made offers on your listing. Your judgment will allow a good selection of those buyers that can actually afford your listing and who are more likely to complete the transaction.

real market Select the best price offers

Your seller deserves the highest and best possible price for the most valuable asset they own, their real estate! At OpenOffer® we make it convenient for buyers, or their real estate agent to place their proposed price. Assuming your listing is priced at market value, you will be able to get offers from potential buyers. If your listing is priced below market value and you receive multiple offers, our system allows buyers to compete and raise their offered price. The process will insure that your seller is getting the highest possible price under current market conditions. At OpenOffer® we bring the reality of supply & demand for your seller's property. Real estate market conditions, asking price, and the number of offers a property receives will inform your seller whether he/she needs to adjust the asking price. It will probably save you time explaining to your seller why the property did not get any offers.

real estate offer No need for legal forms

The OpenOffer® process will allow you to negotiate & select the best price offered by potential buyers. You will be able to negotiate with multiple home buyers at the same time without engaging yourself in legally binding agreements. You may ask, what about contingencies? Does the home buyer who made the offer is approved for a loan? OpenOffer® facilitates the best possible offer for you & your seller but by no means we are here to replace your judgment, it will be your responsibility to make sure all requirements met. Note; you will be able to save all back up offers. Therefore, if the buyer who made the highest offer does not comply with your requirements, then simply delete their offer and select the next best offer.

real estate agent 7 OpenOffer®, Open Communication

OpenOffer® is here to assist the price negotiating period and not to replace legal binding forms. All your communication with potential buyers or their real estate agents is not binding and therefore easier. We believe that buyers feel more comfortable to place price offers while not under pressure and therefore will be more likely to consummate the transaction in the traditional manner. It is impossible for users to see what price offers your property received, however, the number of offers is visible to all registered users. Only you and your seller can view the actual price offered. This will allow you and your seller more control over the asking price. If the property does not get any offers, it will be wise to advise your seller to adjust down the asking price – doing that will not put you in an awkward situation; it will simply bring reality of market conditions to your seller’s attention. If the property receives multiple offers, then the system will adjust each new offer up or will alert the potential buyer to do so, guaranteeing your seller receive the highest possible price.

Although it is not required to register, if all you want to do is view listings on this site, you will not be able to take advantage of all the other FREE features that registering has to offer. Agents will find a simple, one page registration process that takes only a minute to sign up. And perhaps the best feature of all...

listing agent account

"My Account" page contains your listing agent control panel.

real estate listings

"Claim Listing" process is very simple to use. All your listings are already on our site however in order for them to show under your name, you will need to "Claim" them as yours. Our site guides you through each step of the process which only takes a minute or two. After instant verification that the listing belongs to you, the system will populate the listing under your name and you will be able to receive offers directly.

MLS active listings

"Active Listings" page allows you to view a list of all your "Active Listings" on the site. You will be able to see how many offers each listing received, the highest offer & how many times the listing was viewed. The page will also allow you to purchase any upgrades to your listing for better exposure.

MLS sold listings

"Sold Listings" age allows you to view your listings that you sold in the last year (MLS). All sold listings will be automatically populated under your account and you will be able to add a special Tag Line so potential Sellers can contact you. This is an added feature that we provide, free of charge.

contact real estate agent

“Agent Information” Your contact information (no URL’s or private email links&41;, photo and short Tag Lines about your specialty will be displayed in a designated box next to each of your listings. You will be able to add a different Tag Line for your Active & Sold Listings. That will allow you to market to Home Buyers as well as Home Sellers.


"Tell-a-Friend" link on each listing display page allows visitors to quickly send your listing's details to a friend using the site's messaging system. This feature allows you, your seller, or any other user on the site, to send a message to their family, friends, agents and coworkers with details about your property increasing the rate of exposure.

real estate contact

"Contact Agent" link is explicitly located on each listing page for buyers or their real estate agent to contact you directly with any questions they may have concerning your listing.

home buyers

"Listing Upgrades" feature allows you to add additional indicators to your listing to attract more attention from potential buyers or buyer's agents while they are browsing the site.

real estate offers

"OpenOffer® Control" allow you to view how many times your listing was viewed under a certain asking price that you and your seller set. You will be in full control and will be able to determine which offers to respond to and which you simply may want to delete. You may reject, accept, counter, or simply delete any offers you may receive.

real estate messaging system

"Messaging System" gives you the ability to communicate with buyers or buyer’s agent directly from this site without having to open up your email client. Message system offers a "private" setting for you to keep your email private from other users on the site. You will receive all inquires and schedule showing requests in your account.

Register NOW! It's Fast & Easy!

Offer Stats

Real Estate Type Today Y-Day
Dream Estates 0 0
Condos 0 0
Homes 0 0
Lot / Land 0 0
2-4 Units 0 0
As of 10/22/24 8:19 am PDT

Property Types

Real Estate Type Count
Foreclosures (4)
Short Sales (33)
Dream Estates (1323)
Homes (5286)
Condos (3697)
2-4 Units (460)
Lot / Land (1514)

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