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As of 10/15/2024
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San Diego County
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Home Buyers & Agents - Negotiate The Best Price

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  • > Don't legally commit yourself before you agree on the price.
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Online Real Estate Price Negotiations

San Diego MLS & Foreclosure listings are being displayed on OpenOffer® and are provided to all home buyers, real estate agents and home owners completely free.

OpenOffer® is a real estate site that allows home buyers and real estate agents to negotiate the price of any real estate and MLS listing before the written offer is placed.

Homes, Condos, Multi Family Homes, Luxury Homes and Bank Owned properties are accessible to any home buyer who wishes to negotiate with other potential home buyers and with real estate agents.
With OpenOffer® there is no need for long legal binding forms in order to agree on a price. Offers are, fast and easy.

As a Real Estate Negotiator is completely free for Home Buyers who wants to take control of the price they offer.

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San Diego MarketWatch
As of 10/15/2024
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0 New Homes for Sale in San Diego County in the past day.
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OpenOffer® is currently covering the san diego real estate market. Our database is collected from various sources, including your San Diego Multiple Listing Services (MLS), real estate professionals, and Home Buyers and Home Owners like you.
From information about Luxury Homes & Foreclosures, to Home Values & Real Estate advices, we are here to empower Home Buyers and Real Estate Agents alike. OpenOffer® is the only real estate site that allows you to negotiate the best possible price before you make a written offer to buy a home.

Real Estate News

Your Prescription for Selling Your Scripps Ranch Home

Carly Fiske
If you’re selling a Scripps Ranch house in the current market there are a few things you need to be aware of that can aide you in that task. Scripps Ranch, while a part of the city of San Diego, is it’s own town. It’s got it’s own feel and that is evident [...]

Chula Vista Short Sales are a Screaming Deal

David Cohen
Short sales in Chula Vista are a great buy. Now more than ever these homes are ready to pluck by the right buyer. So listen to me and hear me later! Buy these short sales in Chula Vista. Buy them! Now, if you know your real estate, you may be saying to yourself, “This [...]

Selling a Condo in Downtown San Diego Just Got Easier

Veronika Kotla
Selling a downtown San Diego condo has never been that hard to tell you the truth. San Diego is, after all, the 8th largest city in the United States. And seeing as how the Downtown area of large cities tend to be hot spots of activity then you can imagine that condos tend [...]

Should You Pay Off Your Home?

Cindy Richards
Most people dream of owning their own home, but is paying it off really in your best interests? If not, why wouldn’t it be? Isn’t the ideal situation to be debt free and not have to make any payments? The truth of the matter may surprise you. The worst thing you can do financially is to [...]

Why Banks Foreclose On Homes?

Nitara Deratany
If you’re a first time home buyer, you may not understand why banks  foreclose on homes. While the term might be familiar in terms of hearing it in other people’s conversations, sometimes the meaning can be a bit muddled. Basically, a foreclosure occurs when the homeowner defaults on the payments and the bank takes [...]

Offer Stats

Real Estate Type Today Y-Day
Dream Estates 0 0
Condos 0 0
Homes 0 0
Lot / Land 0 0
2-4 Units 0 0
As of 10/15/24 10:31 pm UTC

Property Types

Real Estate Type Count
Foreclosures (4)
Short Sales (33)
Dream Estates (1323)
Homes (5286)
Condos (3697)
2-4 Units (460)
Lot / Land (1514)